Make your own Tennis Training Tool and other Creative Ways to Play Tennis at Home

tennis racquet on sofa

So Many Ways to Keep Playing Tennis

What do you do when you can’t go to the court to play tennis? Find ways to play at home! We’ve found tips, training and even ways to make gear to keep up your tennis at home. Stay off the sofa and get to work improving your tennis!

1. Make your OWN Tennis Trainer

Mike Myers-Make It or Break It

We’ve got time on our hands! You may even have these supplies on hand. Give it a try! Mike Myers Youtube channel has all kinds of things you can make at home.  Easy to follow, how-to videos of all kinds including many for kids.

2. Quarantine Quick Tips

Katie Dellich and Quinn Saine-PBI Proffesionals at Silverado Resort & Spa in California

Katie gives some great tips about contact on ground strokes and volley positioning. Quinn talks about serving.

3. Practicing Shadow Strokes with a Racquet and Book

Nikola Aracic-Intuitive Tennis

has developed a teaching system called Intuitive Tennis. It is the result of spending countless hours looking at pro stroke footage and a 10000 picture collection of pro strokes.

4. Living Room Volleys

Javon Montgomery, Gripspin Tennis Academy


A Northern California based tennis academy offering a variety of programming.

It Just Takes Creativity to Keep Playing Tennis


Coaches are sharing their knowledge

To help keep people strong, healthy and connected. We are looking for tips from everywhere to share and we hope it will inspire players to keep tennis in their life!

Here’s to your health being at home, alone, together and strong with tennis!

More Features that will help you play tennis at home

Tennis Equipment and Gear to Play at Home
  • You can still Play Tennis Even at home-Some Equipment and Gear

  • Want to Play Tennis at Home? We’ve put together some ideas for Home Tennis Training Equipment

At Home Drills, Training and fun


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If you are a coach and have tips, we would love to hear from you. Contact Us!

Teri Church
Author: Teri Church

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